Viewing the List of Credentials

The Microsoft Management Settings extension allows you to view the credentials of all Microsoft products and marketplaces from a single location. Credentials for the Test and Production environments are displayed in different tabs for easier management.

- Microsoft credentials that were previously configured in the Connect Distributor portal by means of configuration parameters will be automatically migrated to the Microsoft Management Settings extension. Once the credentials have been migrated, you will be able to manage them within the extension from that point, as the configuration parameters in the Microsoft Connect products will no longer be used. For additional information, refer to the Migration of Microsoft Credentials section.
- If the Microsoft Extension Settings extension is not installed yet, refer to the Installing the Microsoft Management Settings section.

Complete the following steps to view the configured Microsoft credentials:

  1. In the Connect Distributor Portal, click Settings.

  2. Select the Microsoft Management Settings extension.

  3. Click the Credentials tab.

  4. The credentials for the Test environment are displayed by default. To see the credentials for the production environment, click the Production tab.

  5. Enter the marketplace ID in the search field to find the credentials for a particular marketplace.

In the list view, the following information will be displayed:

  • Credential ID

  • Marketplace ID

  • Tenant ID

  • Client ID

  • Product Type (NCE Microsoft 365 and Software, Azure or Azure RI).

  • Status:

    • Active

    • Not generated: This status indicates that the refresh token has not been generated. In that case, you can click the ellipsis icon and select the Generate token option to create a new one.

    • Error: This indicates that there is a problem with the credentials. For example, the secret may have expired. To solve this, click the Edit button and make sure you enter the correct credentials for the marketplace.

To see additional details for a particular marketplace, click the corresponding row in the list. This will allow you to see the client secret and perform other actions such as editing the credentials or generating a new refresh token when required. For additional information, refer to the Configuring Microsoft Credentials section.

Note: To manage credentials in the Microsoft Management Settings extension, it is first necessary to configure a redirect URI.

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